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🕊️Returning to Innocence 🪷💛

作家相片: Lynn ChengLynn Cheng

The message I have been repeatedly getting from my Guides about the energies recently is: Return to Innocence. When I was a child, I was unapologetically myself- this sassy little girl who policed unfair interactions witnessed on the playground, talked to the trees and rocks in the woods, and brought numerous little injured animals home, to my parents’ horror . Then as I got older, I learned the hard way that this type of odd duck me was not welcome in the world. I started hiding away this whimsical part of me and quickly learned how to become a chameleon, blending in with the “normal” ways of society. After being lost and avoiding the voices of my Soul for decades, I am finally once again slowly finding my way back to and connecting with that odd whimsical authentic me through this intense but very necessary journey of soul unfoldment. How many of you have experienced something similar? We often lose our connection to innocence, purity, and authenticity as we grow older. We become jaded by the world, influenced by the opinions and expectations of other. But beneath all of this lies our true essence, that part of us that was pure, innocent, and connected to the world and the Universal flow of life. Returning to this state of innocence can be an incredibly powerful and healing experience, as it helps us to reconnect with the innocence and purity of our true soul essence. By connecting with our inner child, we can shed the layers that aren’t truly who we are and find our way back to what rings true to our soul. A good way to reconnect with our inner child is through mindfulness and meditation. These practices help us to observe the world around us in a non-judgemental way and free us from the opinions of others. We can look around us and appreciate the world anew, just as we did as a child. Tap into what lights your soul up- is it art? Music? Dancing? Animal rescue? Journaling? Cooking? These activities help us channel that energy of authenticity and creativity straight from our Soul. It is time to let your light shine brightly beautiful souls, and even if you may not yet know what your soul purpose is, you are here because you are important and needed. Return to that space of authenticity and be unapologetically who you truly are, that is the version of you that the world needs now.



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